Giving too many details of a philosophical mindset, or being too technical can differ from the original intention or point. Simplicity may be the key to living.
Everyone wants to make money while living free of any stresses — so then why is there always something to be stressed about? Another question that arises is, who am I actually living and giving service for? Sometimes it's as if it is only to make the rich richer, being used as work mules to fulfill the purpose or freedom of another person. It's questionable that some corporations or businesses set up guises that they care for middle/lower class, people or citizens — while in actuality, they are only looking after their own interests, hiding their intentions under “win-win” pretenses.
Another question is what is the true root cause in so many citizens depression?
To me, it all stems from the root of selfishness and whether or not we are the victims of selfish interests. There is literally no just answer to the injustices that exist in this world.
I am here to speak my truth, and yes it will not always be easy.
One answer is not the cure for all.
How can we navigate our Hearts’ compass, our ultimate and almighty truth, when are silenced and possibily oppressed?